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"Reading is to the mind what
exercise is to the body"
- Joseph Addison

Being honest, it's been a while since I picked up a book for myself. Reading was something I enjoyed in high school and throughout college. However, once we became parents I lost sight of how important it is for the mind and soul. 


Truth is, I read a lot to the girls and not at all to myself. It was time to change that! 


My personal favorite types of books are motivational self help books. I love feeling inspired, motivated and excited to grind. Please feel free to send any book suggestions my way. 

What I've read this year...

TWELVE PILLARS by Jim John and Chris Widener

The novel by Jim John and Chris Widener is an easy quick read that will inspire you to take your life to another level. It will challenge self growth.


I loved that the book had a fictional story line with a powerful message weaved in. The twelve pillars lay out principles that we can all apply to our lives. Cheers to your future and success! 




Currently Reading: Raising Grateful Kids In An Entitled World by Kristen Welch

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